Hey, housewives, happy to be back here again with you. And we have got guests with us in studio and afar, and we're excited to have our guests back with us today. If you have not heard the twin fitness first episode on our hormones and just aging bodies. Oh, it's so good. Go back and listen to it. It'll be just a few episodes previous to this, but we're going to focus on something else. But before we jump into that, I want to give just a brief intro again of Michelle and Christy. They are sisters. They're twin sisters. Both girl mamas. They graduated.
Is there a way to be a twin without being a sister? You just kept. Yeah, you just kept their twin sisters. Sorry.
I had to bet no one's ever introduced you like that before.
Yeah, this is special.
It's a special introduction.
We're one of a good.
They both graduated with Bachelor of Science, degrees in exercise science and Nutrition from K State. They've continued on with nutrition classes and hormone classes and all the things they are personal trainers. They used to be former fitness bikini pros, which are amazing because they have really gone from that through learning new systems and willpower knowledge about the human body to become this mamas who face all the things and encourage other women and have just created their own business through this. And so go back and listen, like I said, to the women's and Hormones episode, if you haven't already, but for this episode, we are going to talk about teens, girls specifically, and hormones and how we can keep our girls healthy. So welcome.
Okay, so Christy and I both have daughters, like she said, and mine is in high school, Christie's is in middle school. So we're kind of in that teen era. And so we want to help.
THANK YOU FOR THE TAYLOR SWIFT. I'm in my teen mom era, although that does sound like that. NO. My MTV teen mom era, no.
So we want to provide some information and provide education to other moms out there that are approaching the teen years with their kids. Whether it's a male or female, you can use it both ways. So we're here to help you help them with their energy, how to stay fit, how to be more confident. As a female, you kind of have to think of all those things, right? So probably the number one thing we want to portray is, and if you listen to our first podcast with these guys, we talked about being a B student, not an A plus student. So that's probably the number one thing. And you have to lead by example. Moms and dads out there, lead by example. They will follow your lead.
As I've gotten older and my kids have gotten older, I'm like, wow, I think they just said those words right out of my mouth. Like, it's just crazy, right, how they start mimicking your everything.
Oh, I can hear them. I'm 30 something, and I can hear myself these days. And I go, oh, my God, I sounded like my mother. AND MOM, I MEANT THAT IN THe BIGGEsT CoMPLIMENT.
I just wanted you to know that.
So let's dive into things that we feel like that has helped our kids, that we do. And one of the big things is when you're, we're talking, going to talk about nutrition, because I feel like that's kind of the biggest mystery and misconception out there. There's way too much wrong information when it comes to nutrition in kids. First off, don't eliminate any specific food group from a child. THAt'S A nO. Second off, fix one thing like your evening meals, don't fix five things and you eat that thing, and the rest of the family has to always eating something separate. So that helps you kind of make it so that it's not so overwhelming as a mom when you're cooking and prepping and if they see you eating.
So, for example, if you're on this.
Special diet and all you can get is a bowl of lettuce, what do you think your kids are doing? They're analyzing that. Well, why are you only eating a bowl of lettuce? Is that what I need to do, is eat a bowl of lettuce? So you don't want to portray that. So when it comes to eating healthy, cook healthy, and your kids will follow that lead.
Okay, Christy.
I don't know. Chrissy does a lot of. She's got a lot of good tips. She was giving me tips the other day with what to fix. I don't know. She had a stir fry I live.
In the middle of nowhere, literally on a 30 acre ranch farm. So I cook all the time because I have to cook because we don't have options. We can't run town or run to even a grocery store. It's somewhat close. So I think cooking is super important. I want to back up a little bit, and I want to go over what we've seen through our world and what I feel like our teens and our daughters and our kids generation is going to see more of. And it's a bit alarming to me, and I don't want to scare anyone, but I kind of want to scare people because I'm not sure what else to do, to be quite honest.
So through the years, back in our day, the older individuals that we have on here, aka, not Tori, let's talk about teen girls and period. Let's just throw it out there. Honestly, back in my day, when I was in middle school and things like that, I didn't have friends having periods in third grade, fourth grade, it didn't happen, like maybe 6th, 7th, and 8th, right?
We hadn't even seen the video yet.
It came later.
There's a video that you see, and then for your own gender, because there's two, then you would watch your video, and then the following year, you'd watch the other gender because then you're kind of like, oh, okay. But you had to figure out your own stuff first. But that didn't happen until, like, fifth or 6th grade.
Well, I think that's still the case. Which they need to lower it down to third grade. But now what is so mind blowing to me is that these girls are having periods in third grade, and I'm not exactly sure. What is that, ten? How old are you at third grade? Third grade is third grade.
She's eight. About to turn nine.
I was going to say nine. Yeah, nine.
I know of girls that have had periods that early, you guys. So where I go with that, I'm like, well, first of all, that poor thing. To understand what's going on with her body when that happens at that young age, and then she has to have it for the rest of her life. Prayers for her. I hate to see them because I feel like they're so young, they don't understand it. Right. They're still figuring out who to play.
With on the playground. There's like a playground. There should be a playground if you have your period.
I'm just saying that is like a Sagittaround if you have an appearance. Yes. I think the one reason why we're seeing this trend. And here's like a tad bit a stat for you. So doctors out there and research shows there's 100 pound mark. So if you think about that, if your daughter is 100 pounds, chances are they're probably going to start their period sometime soon. Okay? And I'm not saying that it has to be 100 pounds. They need 95, they need 115. But it's around that 100 mark. Because here's what happens, is, like we said, body fat feeds hormones. Like the last podcast we just discussed this, teens are the same way. We are seeing a substantial amount of body fat on teens these days.
I mean, honestly, if you look at next time you take your kids to school, just observe the amount of weight as Americans, as we carry young, very young. And it's disturbing in the way of, like, it becomes a health issue at some point, not a visual. I'm not trying to preach, like, modelist people here. I'm just talking like, help guys. And so that's one reason why we've seen periods start so much younger in girls and hormones and men and boys, because of the extra body fat they're all carrying, right?
Yeah, the extra body fat, like Christy said, it feeds hormones. I think. I don't know what you were getting ready to say, christy, I think I just interrupted you, but one of the biggest culprits, in my opinion, is the amount of sugar kids consume. We just saw in our last podcast talked about, there's a late pumpkin spice, whatever, that has 185 grams of sugar.
I'll put a million dollars out there, honestly. Like, 90% of kids consume because you're not around them, even if you're the mom out there going, well, my kid.
Would never do that.
I watch his nutrition. And if you're that mom up there, I guarantee your kid at school is consuming way more. That would blow your mind that you have no idea.
Oh, absolutely. And schools aren't helping on it because, too, they're offering, what's the fundraiser? Selling candy bars at lunch. What are they doing? Like, oh, you can get a soda here for $0.50 or the ice cream on Friday.
It's $0.50 anymore. Is this true?
Did I just date myself?
So, yes, the amount of sugar people.
Are consuming and throwing their hormones. I've heard moms say this.
Oh, well, they're fine.
They're active. They'll run it off. No, they won't. Eventually, it will catch up with them. It may be two, three, four years down the road, but it will catch up with them at some point, and they can't have that shift. There's also a huge spike in type two diabetes, guys, and it's all Christy. And I've had a doctor tell us type two diabetes is 100% controlled. You can control whether you get type two diabetes. Type one, no, but type two, yes.
More and more kids coming in with type two diabetes, and I'm talking young kids. And that is, from a health perspective, very disturbing. To me. This all comes back around to hormones again, body fat speeding hormones. And that's why we see all these girls having hormones or having periods young, and then they have these really bad periods because they are carrying extra body fat, your periods will be worse. So if you have a teenage daughter that can't even go to school now, there might be some other things going on, so I'm not going to claim that, but I would start diving into their fitness and their eating first, and then you can kind of tackle some other problems that they may be having.
Okay, so can I ask a question? Because obviously, I'm in this as well, and I've had this conversation with many moms and their teen daughters. The number one thing that everybody is afraid of is making it too much of a concern to where you're creating a body image issue for your daughter or a worry about what she's eating. So then she stops eating, and now we're dealing with eating disorders. I mean, it is very touchy. And so obviously, one of my friends has absolutely encouraged me, and she always says, she's like, when you're talking about food, she's like, you don't have to talk about good food and bad food.
And you don't have to talk about.
How bad sugar is, because there is good sugar. You need to talk about what fuels your body and what depletes your body. Basically, just talk about it from a food is food, and there's natural food, and there's packaged food, and just educate from a non emotionally tied aspect to it. And she's like, you teach them how to talk, you teach them how to walk, you teach them all the other things. You can teach your kids about food without making them feel bad.
So I have two dancers. My daughters are dancers. So I'm very careful because dancers body image, right, things that I highly recommend. I never use the word diet. I never use the word skinny. I never use the word I have to go work out because I feel fat. As moms out there, if you're using these words around your kids, please stop, because they take those words to the next level. Oh, my gosh. I feel like I'm fat around my midsection. I need to go work out, or I can't eat that because I'm fat. I'm trying to lose weight. I'm trying to lose Sally. I'm trying to lose ten pounds. So Mommy's fat, so she's going to. No, stop. That is the body image. Again, lead by example.
So my sister Christy and I are very careful what kind of verbiage we use with our children. And to your point, Tracy, you don't have to label good food bad food. If my kids. I think Christy does the same thing. It's about education.
Like, if you want more energy, if. You want to perform at your next game or you want to run, your daughter runs cross country, if you want to have a great run today, these are things that are going to fuel your body and make you feel better. These things are not going to fuel your body and make you feel better. If you want to perform and have a good test, if you're taking a test or whatever it is, there's words you can use to make it so that it's all healthy. But yet again, lead by example. The words that come out of your mouth, don't put yourself down. If you put yourself down, they're going to, oh, that's what I have to do. Literally, it instantly goes in their head. So I'm very careful as to what I say. I'm going to go work out because I want to be healthier and stronger. I want to eat this because it gives me good energy. Not that, oh, I can't have that, or, I can't have this again. But that is a very true. You don't want to go down the wrong path, right? Because they're very touchy.
Depends on.
I have an inside joke. Inside joke that will say something, and it's like, well, duh, Mom. Or you think that's the thing that they do? Like, duh, they look at you like, why are you saying that to me? So there's a lot of attitude that you get back with them when it comes to teenage kiddos. So, yes, that's a very true. I don't know if that answered your question, but just be careful when it comes to that.
Okay. When it comes to making sure our kids are eating well, what? I mean, at their age. All right, let's do nine to high school. Okay. Like, these are the ages, right? How much protein should they be getting a day? Because let's assume that theY're playing sports, they're in activities and things like that or whatever. But how much protein? Because I know as women, a lot of times we don't get enough protein.
And so I know it's like, eat your fruits and veggies. Yeah, but also have a steak, I think, too.
The whole thing at school, and this is hard part for us in feeding four kids and being prepared and having stuff ahead of time. And there's so many allergies in schools that so much has, like, peanut butter or nuts or things. And my son complained about it this morning. He walked into the pantry to grab something to head out the door to school, and he's like, I can't even eat this at school. There's certain things that we don't have on hand. We need to have more on hand that can feed them with all the right things. Yet it's safe at school. So it's just kind of a constant battle in my world.
Yes, it's a constant battle. So when it comes to teens, like you said, ranging from 9th grade to high school, you want to make sure, like, if my kids are sitting down to eat, I'm like, where's your protein? Where's your fat? Like, I ask them, I'm like, you have nothing but carbs on your plate. Go get a protein. So I say a protein with every meal. So breakfast, lunch, dinner, if we can at least shoot for that, we're winning.
We're picky with the protein. Like, my girls will say the same thing. We're like, well, my blueberries have protein in my. Like, no, they don't.
Yeah, we say protein. Yeah, they're like, okay, well, this is protein. Has protein in it. I'm like, from the milk you have on it, maybe. I'm like, think again. So I'm like, what about an egg? I'm like, there you go. Bingo. So I try to let them think through it, but it's funny because even all the education I've done, sometimes I'm just like, what have I taught you, child? You have to know this information so they have to be reminded. But I definitely would think that you have to ask them those questions. Something else that I do that I think is super important is I tell the girls, like, mom, can I go get cereal? I'm like, sure, you can have cereal. It has to be under 10 grams or less. Go for it.
And they go running down the cereal aisle, and they come back and they're like, well, nothing is that I can't find anything. I'm like, I know something else that.
I've also done was I take my kids to the grocery store. I think I read something somewhere that if your children pick it out, they will eat 90% more of a chance that they will eat it. Versus you going to the grocery store and getting it.
So take it.
That person has not gone to Sam's or Costco with me on a sample day and where my kids have tried absolutely everything. And they're like, oh, you eat this.
Every single day after school.
And then you bring it home because it's in a big box and you're like, it's sweet. This will be great. They'll have their afternoon snack, and they're like, it. I don't like this. This is not it. And then you have Daddy disposal. Eat it.
Daddy disposal. Cheer to.
Yeah, I'm sure she's right.
Well, maybe produce. Try produce. Apples take into a store. Like, I pick out something like Chrissy said, a cereal less than 10 grams of sugar. Like, go find something. I don't know. Make a game out of it.
Okay, so that's for kids, though. Let's talk about.
Because I want to know. All right. You're saying protein and fat at each meal like avocados. All right, what else for kids, though, that they would like?
Well, and you have to loosen the reins with kids. You can't hold them down like adults. You can't not allow them to have Skittles with their friends.
Again, that 80/20 rule, right?
What do you mean, 75? You might try for the C/D students.
All right, that's fine. I'll take it.
Chances are more active than us adults. That's just in life, right? So I definitely think that allowing more freedom for them. But again, making sure that with foods that you can control or meals that you can control, that you are providing healthy things at that point. Because I know even I'm not a dumb mom. I know that my kids are eating probably things that I'd be like, rolling my eyes at school, like, what the heck are you doing? Like, one of them came out with soda in their hand. We don't buy soda at my house. That's just kind of a fast rule. And I'm like, what the he l l did soda in your hand. So it was funny because she stepped in the car, and she's like. And I'm like, well, what is that? And I'm kind of acting dumb, right?
And she was like, it's a Dr. Pepper. I'm like, where'd you get that? And I don't even know where she got it. I go, oh. I was like, well, how much grams of sugar than that? I mean, I knew. And she goes, I don't love. So she was like, oh, my gosh, mom, there's 45 grams of sugar in this? I'm like, yeah. I'm like, that doesn't surprise me. She goes like, I don't want it anymore. I'm like, okay, dump it out. I didn't tell her, no, you can't have it. Because if I would have said that, she would have drank the whole day.
She would have drank and then ask for another bartender.
So I just acted completely. I'm like, oh, I didn't say we don't allow sugar. I didn't go down that path. So again, less than choose. But you're, like, guiding them, right?
Giving them good, secure choices. Like, not saying, hey, which ice cream bar do you want? Like, hey, let's see if we can find a treat.
Like you said, buy things in smaller packs. Like, back to your Skittle comment. Like, do the small bite size packs.
Of the fun size.
That's what I was looking for, the fun size. Do the ice cream bars that are like, the little mini bars. If you go through what I think, get a mini blizzard or ice cream, you can go smaller if they're.
That's what we do. Because that's all we can afford these days. Family night out, a treat. We're like, everybody's getting Minis.
Damn you, Biden.
It's a better bodies than anywhere.
You've ruined blizzards for our family. Even you've tackled their.
Okay, so I had another thing that popped up into my head as we're all talking about all of this. So as women in previous episode, kind of referencing some of this that we talked about with nutrition being like, basically 90% of keeping us obviously healthy and our hormones balanced, when it comes to kids, we're all hoping, and especially our daughters, they are a little bit more active. We can all speak to at least us here, they're all involved in something, right? So that helps. But when it comes to their percentage and ratio, is it a little different between nutrition and exercise and sleep?
Okay, so let's go on the exercise.
You mean the amount of hours that our children, we could probably talk as long as they're supposed to actually sleep.
And then they get in high school and it's a whole different story. So when it comes to exercise, if your kid is active, they say that there's, like, an activity. Like, they should do 30 minutes of activity a day. Think of it this way. Our bodies are meant to move. We are not meant to be sedentary, right? So as kids, moving, jumping, playing, running outside, doing things like that and not recess, stop staring at your phones. Get off the phones. Go do something.
Honestly, if your kids aren't in maybe sports or activities or maybe in something that they enjoy that's somewhat active, but go on a walk with them, go on a bike, ride with them, go to the park and let them play. You can get involved. If you're more active. Your kids are going to Michelle, like Michelle said, they are going to follow your lead. You are the role model. If you're on the couch watching TV or on your phone, shame on you. Honestly, because you are their role model. And I know there's times where you're like, you can't even fathom the thought of getting off the couch and going and do something. Believe me, my owner is like, you want to play volleyball? I'm like, no, I really freaking don't want to play volleyball. I'm exhausted. But yes, I will go play volleyball.
And it's 105 degrees outside. I don't want to go out there.
There are so many options now.
And we forget.
Right. Like coming from Texas, too. You're right. 110 degrees outside. Nobody wants to be outside. Well, you can get a membership for the trampoline part or the membership for your rec club that the kids can. There's an indoor pool or the outdoor pool. I mean, if there's anything that wears your children out, it's swimming in the. Yes.
And they're getting vitamin D. Yeah.
Right. When it comes to nutrition, Tracy asked that question. When it comes to nutrition, I honestly would focus one thing and it goes back to sugar. Kids are, don't eliminate carbs from them. Don't eliminate food from them. You don't want to put a.
A big sticker no on certain things for them, but educate them. And educate them what sugar will do for them. They will get headaches. They will have crash in the middle of the day. I guess it's a thing to drink these energy drinks at school. For these kids, that's a whole nother maybe talk we can go through. But I mean, just make sure that, you know, the amount of sugar they're consuming can really affect them. And then if they're drinking too much sugar too late in the afternoon, they're not sleeping. So therefore we get into the whole sleep thing and they're not tired, and then they don't go to bed till midnight, and then they're up at 06:00 a.m. And then they go again. And then it's this vicious circle you get in.
So just try to make their bedtimes, like the same time every night, just the things again, if you go to bed early, they are likely to go to bed early. They follow your lead. It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. It blows my mind how they follow your lead as I've gotten older.
I mean, I have tried to go to bed so much earlier in the last couple of years, and everybody, I'm like, if you want me to lay with you or be with you, we're starting this process a lot earlier so we can have our talk time, our snuggle times and whatever. And I get everybody to bed, and I'm in bed by 930. So clearly, my kids are in their room at that time, too. And I've been disciplined on that since they were little because I like my sleep.
Yes. And I think it's underrated. I mean, it is one of the best things you can do. And Teaching your kid how to sleep well is like, and I get it. There are some people, I'm one of those people as a heavy sleeper, and so I can wake up in the middle of the night and then pass right back out. But my husband hears a mouse fart and he's up for the next 4 hours. And I'm like, okay, you got to learn how to teach your kids how to sleep because that is the best gift that you can give them. And sleep through everything.
Yes. Sleep is huge. So focus on the things that you can control. Lead by example. Reduce the amount of sugar. That's the one thing that I would just be conscious about, is the sugar. And speak positive when you're speaking about yourself and to them. That's one of the number one things that I feel like that I've seen women do. And it doesn't portray very well to your kids. Just make sure you're giving them the right information. Yeah. Okay, so talk to us briefly.
Obviously, we hit on some things on good foods to provide for the teens. That helps them with energy, that helps them feel satisfied, because we're still working on that in my house. We are still working on that. We have got a protein shake down, those kinds of things. But it's the on the go when they're in the car and they're headed to practice. It is the bar, it is the goldfish, it is pirates, booty, whatever. Not the best choices, but it's what we do.
So what does that look like for teens?
What else could we do?
You got to remember, like, what we said, even for women, older women or us, like, not teenagers, fat helps you stay satisfied and helps you not crave sugar. So even with your teens and your younger kids, they still need fat in their diet. Like Michelle said, don't remove any food grips from them, but add fat. So like that protein shake. Add fat to that protein shake. A scoop of peanut butter. Or I'll even ask the girls when they're walking out the door. I'm like, grab a bar that has a little bit more fat in it. Or just different things. Make sure you provide those things for them. Handful of nuts trail mixes are really good because they have nuts in them and they have the sweet chocolate in them and they might like them a little bit better.
There's things like that you can do to really help you with on the go snacking. Not just your goldfish are fine, but add maybe a piece of string cheese to that. That's some protein and a little bit of fat. Take small steps.
Do you have other ideas for protein? And I say that because my daughter doesn't eat dairy.
Like, she hasn't since she was little. So there's no cheese. There's no yogurt.
My other daughter, it's like cottage cheese yogurt.
I know she's getting it and even my boys, but my one, she just doesn't touch it at all.
We make, like, protein balls. I don't know if you've ever done Protein balls with the. That's a really good snack that we do. Protein can be challenging to try to get it in on a consistency like.
Pepperoni, like little pepperoni bites for your daughter that doesn't like dairy or wants to go dairy free or maybe is dairy free. You can do even, like, beef sticks of some sort that aren't crazy processed. We have a butcher here that has amazing beef sticks. They're all supernatural and really good. So you can discover those things. So try to really think outside the box. There's like some vegan cheeses that are awesome. Michelle could probably give you a referral for one of those that they're kind of pricey, but those were really good. Not all of them are good, but the one we found really good. So there's options out there. You just got to get really creative and think outside the box. And if your kid is only eating, if they only have that carbohydrates, maybe just throw in, like, a fat source.
Because a lot of fat sources also have protein.
There's non dairy yogurts, too, that are really good non dairy cheeses. I've gone non dairy. My daughter's gone non dairy. And they're really good. Put little granola in them that are super satisfying. Non dairy with some granola. Granola will add, like, a little bit of the fat to it.
It's perfect.
You can throw Flaxseed in it. You can do those kind of things as well.
That's good.
Awesome. Well, I think this gives us a great start of what to do with our kiddos. Or at least start asking questions on and go from there. It's just like you said, it's just one thing at a time and just one thing. It doesn't have to be everything. And shoot for a C Plus student in this area, we're going C plus, guys.
C Plus.
As my children are working on long division and spelling words like Holy Spike. I shouldn't have to redo fourth grade anyways. But we are so thankful for you guys. I know this won't be the last time that we have you guys on there. You guys are a wealth of knowledge and we're just so thankful for you. Where can our listeners find you and support you?
You can go to our website, twinfitness.com. We are also on Instagram, Twin Fitness, Casey, on Facebook, anywhere you can get. A hold of us. We love to help. If your mom's out there that need some advice and our heads spinning, just let us know. We train teens. We do online training for teens and it's actually very effective because the number one thing I will say is every mom that contacts us with the teens that we're training, she's like, I don't want to be the bad person. I'm like, no, let me be that person. Take away that struggle that you might be having with your teenage daughter and let it be us.
Because they will open up to us and they will explain things to us versus Mom.
And I think it's really important, too, that all teens have a positive role model in their lives. And Michelle and I both. I'm a middle school basketball coach and Michelle coaches her teens as well. So I love. One of my passions is being a positive role model for these girls and making them believe in themselves where they don't think that they can do something that they really can if someone just believes in them. So I think that's really important that Michelle and I, that's something that we want to empower young teenagers to believe in themselves no matter what they do.
Right. It takes one person to make that change for.
Yeah, it just It's that one person. It's that person. Your aunt or a coach or whatever it is to make that positive and make it just completely flip for them. And what they're doing.
We love teens.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much.
It's been so good to have you guys here, not once, but twice. And I think as mamas and moms of girls, I think we're going to.
Be able to just apply this to.
Ourselves and to them over and over again because I know it's a journey.
Yes. Well, thank you guys for being here.
And thank you very much.
Housewives Bye.